Sunday, May 7, 2023

[SHORT RANT WARNING] Everyone (actually anyone) begs me.

 I hate it when anyone just begs me to play with them, or like join their voice chat - it just lags my computer. And then when I try to explain to them, they'll go:

Ohh! Can you join my voice chat? PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ???!!111;!@ pwetty plz?

EDIT: I guess I was rambling when I made this. This is why I don't bother explaining stuff.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

I'm going to try and make a Minecraft Java Server.

 Hey all,

    I am going to make a Minecraft Java Server. It may not actually work.

Q&A No. #1: What version is it gonna run on?

It will run on Minecraft Java v1.7.3, old beta. I like the old Minecraft, for some odd reason. I-I just can't put my finger on it...

UPDATE: It's worked, only on LAN. :-(

~ KeatonGamer1248

[RAMBLE RANT WARNING] Playstation 2 Enviously

 Whenever I look at my PS2 Memory card, I'm like...

Man... I have very little data...

And then when I look at someone else's PS2 Memory Card, I'm just like...

Oh my god........

So then, whenever I try to find PlayStation 2 Games, (rarely any PlayStation 1 games) there aren't any that is actually worth it.
Although, when they collect games, it takes a long time to find them.

I think I'm rambling again...

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Secret Club Command

Can you decode this?



Comic #2

Originally inspired from the song "PS5" by salem ilese.