Monday, March 27, 2023

RIP eShop

 Just now, I booted up my 2DS and went onto the badge arcade and the rabbit acted like nothing ever happened at all. It almost felt like the scene from OMORI where when you choose the bad ending route, you'd get sent to the "Neighbor's Room" and the song was slightly lowered, like -1%. Not even noticeable.

I also booted up the Theme Shop and the only themes that they had were Yellow themes.

And, I always cherished the 2DS and whenever someone said that the 3DS is dead I always cried because I was emotionally, and mentally attached to that thing.

To me, this day felt like another day until now I realized that the eShop is dead.

At least I downloaded hundreds of games, probably 200$ worth of eShop downloads.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

I forgot to mention... (My new website)

 Hi, Keaton here!

It's been awhile since I made my website. And I accidentally procrastinated telling you guys that I have my brand new website!

You can check it out here.


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Upcoming Game

 Hello everyone, I am working on a game that's made in RPG Maker 2003 (RPGツクール2003). It's a game about my adventures that takes place in a fantasy land.

It's coming along together, and I'm proud of it. :)


Comic #2

Originally inspired from the song "PS5" by salem ilese.